Categories: Dermatology

Why Herpes Occur

Why Herpes Occur?

Herpes is a viral infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus transmitted through the skin and can recur throughout life. Herpes labialis is the name given to herpes infection on the lip and herpes genitalis in the genital area; In addition, there may be herpes infection even in organs such as eyes and brain.

Herpes infections usually go away on their own within a week if the person’s immune system is strong. However, painful and itchy sores may also occur. In such cases, cream or various medications may be prescribed by the physician.

Why Does Occur?

Cold sores are caused by a very common virus called herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). After the initial infection, the virus remains in the nerve cells forever. Triggers such as exposure to sunlight, fatigue, stress or hormonal changes activate the virus, causing a cold sore.

It usually erupts on the lips and on the lip edges. There is no cure for herpes.
However, antiviral drugs can reduce the frequency of occurrence.

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Herpes?

Herpes do not develop due to vitamin deficiency. However, taking vitamins E and D together with the medications recommended by the doctor is also very useful for the herpes to pass faster.

It usually occurs and spreads when the immune system is weakened. Therefore, vitamins E and D do not have a direct effect in the treatment of herpes. But they help strengthen and improve the immune system.

What are the Symptoms ?


  • Itching
  • Fever
  • Tingling in the lips
  • Dry or irritated skin on the lips and mouth
  • Small blisters on the lips, gums, roof of the mouth or inside the cheeks
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Muscle Pain
  • Skin Blistering
  • It is Redness

In recurrent attacks (60-90% repetitions), the patient either makes no difference at all, or there are small blisters that collect water after a slight itching and burning and heal by crusting.

After the virus is infected, it settles in the nerve ganglia (nerve cell bodies) and when it finds a suitable environment, it comes from here by following the nerve tissue from time to time and causes herpes on the skin.

Herpes, which usually occurs during periods of reduced body resistance or emotional stress, may also occur before menstrual periods in women.

Why Are Herpes Contagious?

The virus that causes cold sores spreads through skin-to-skin contact, making it contagious. The virus can be spread by kissing other people or sharing utensils. Also, touching the eyes after touching herpes can cause serious infections and vision problems.

When Is A Herpes Not Contagious?

Herpes becomes less contagious after it forms a crust. The fluid-filled blisters burst four days after the first symptoms appear, and a yellowish or brown crust forms around five or eight days during the process, reducing the chance of infection.

The crust begins to flake and peel off between the ninth and 12th day, and eventually herpes heals two to four weeks after symptoms begin.

How to Avoid Spreading Herpes Virus

Good hygiene and avoiding close contact with others help prevent the spread of herpes virus when it is at its most contagious stage.

Wash your hands often, and try not to kiss or have close contact with anyone before herpes starts to develop.

Do not share food, drink, or personal items such as towels, razors, or lip balm.

Wash your hands right after. In addition, people with active herpes should avoid close contact with newborns and people with weakened immune systems.

How Does Herpes Pass?

Herpes in the lip area can recur several times and is usually easily resolved with the use of herpes cream.

In case of herpes on the lips, it is recommended to avoid kissing small children and babies during this period. Although herpes in children and infants is not very common, it can also be observed if an infected person comes into contact with it.

Some pain relievers can help reduce the swelling and pain of cold sores and reduce the urge to touch them. Bursting the blisters and breaking off the crusts will not heal herpes any faster, and may even introduce bacteria that infect wounds and cause long-term scarring.

For most people, herpes are annoying, but they rarely interfere with daily life. If you think a herpes is about to break out or the blisters are not crusting, take reasonable precautions to avoid spreading the infection to others.

What’s Good for a Flight?

Antiviral, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting compounds are often helpful in treating herpes. Some help limit the spread of the virus. Others reduce the chance of recurrence of the infection or relieve pain and discomfort. Not every method will work for every individual. However, various natural products can be preferred to reduce complaints and prevent future exacerbations.

Some of the natural products and foods that are good for cold sores include:


Probiotic foods such as yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and sauerkraut naturally strengthen the immune system. If consumed regularly, herpes can be prevented.

Foods Rich in Vitamin E:

Vitamin E can help relieve the pain and discomfort caused by herpes by soothing the skin. With its antioxidant properties, it repairs damaged skin and reduces inflammation. Almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, sunflower seeds and olive oil are rich in vitamin E.

Foods Containing High Vitamin C:

Vitamin C increases the number of white blood cells that help protect the body against invaders. Foods rich in vitamin C can be consumed to strengthen immunity, improve skin health and accelerate the healing of herpes. Oranges, red peppers, green peppers, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, grapefruit and kiwi contain plenty of vitamin C.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral needed to reduce inflammation and boost immunity. A study published in the field of alternative medicine treatments found that zinc oxide cream is an effective treatment for oral herpes infection. Creams containing zinc oxide and zinc supplements are good for cold sores.

Aloe Vera Gel:

It can be used to treat skin conditions such as herpes.
Aloe vera contains antioxidant vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids and various hormones that help prevent infections.

Istanbul plastic surgeon

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