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What is Vaser Liposuction

Plastic Surgery

What is Vaser Liposuction?

♦ Vaser Liposuction is the most preferred and demanded surgical method in body shaping. Vaser Liposuction has become a more effective, sophisticated and safe surgical application with new technology and new methods.

Vaser Liposuction Surgery is basically the process of removing fat from the regional lubrication areas with the help of thin cannulas. Vaser Liposuction can be applied alone or as a surgical method accompanying breast aesthetics and tummy tuck operations.

In addition to the classical liposuction method, it separates the fat cells from the fat lobules to which they are attached with ultrasound, that is, high frequency sound waves, before the fat removal process and turns them into a fluid fat emulsification.

Vaser Lipo is a new technology developed to prevent bleeding, bruising and skin fluctuation-like problems encountered in other liposuction methods. Therefore, vaser liposuction is an advanced, reliable and healthy liposuction method.

Differences with Classical Liposuction

  • During Vaser liposuction, using ultrasonic sound waves, fats are broken down and aspirated in liquid form. In this way, the wavy surface appearance, which is likely to be seen after classical liposuction, is not encountered.
  • Since Vaser only targets fat cells, unlike other methods, it does not damage some important tissues (such as connective tissue, vessels and nerves).
  • There is much less pain, bruising and swelling compared to other methods. Thus, patients can return to their daily lives more quickly.
  • Since ultrasonic sound waves are used in the Vaser liposuction method, the removed fat and the stem cells in it are not damaged.

Thus, if desired, they can also be used to inject fat into other parts of the body where needed.

 Who Is Vaser Lipo Technology Suitable For?

If you have resistant fats that cannot be melted by diet and exercise in some parts of your body such as the hips, abdomen, thighs, or on the face and upper body, VASER lipo technology is used. Fat distribution may be uneven, causing a disproportionate appearance in some parts of the body.

It is often not possible to achieve regional thinning with diet and exercise. VASER lipo can be effectively applied to many areas of adults of all ages with stubborn body fat.

What Should Be Done Before Vaser Liposuction?

Before Vaser Liposuction, blood thinners should be discontinued for at least 1 week. Again, due to their blood thinning effects, the intake of green tea, vitamin E, Omega 3 and some vitamin derivatives should be discontinued. All food and liquids taken orally should be stopped at least 6 hours before the surgery.

Our patients are told not to smoke or drink alcohol. Preoperative routine blood tests (bleeding clotting time, total biochemistry, blood count, hepatitis markers, etc.) are performed before the operation. Before Vaser liposuction, if we have an additional disease (goiter, hypertension, etc.), examinations for it and consultations are made if necessary.

What are Vaser Liposuction Methods?

  • Dry liposuction
  • Wet liposuction
  • Extremely wet liposuction
  • Power assisted liposuction
  • Laser liposuction
  • Ultrasonic liposuction(Vaser liposuction)

What are the Advantages of Vaser Lipo Technology?

Among the most important advantages of this method is that the sound waves used target only fat cells. Vaser liposuction method is also seen as a painless and simple procedure for patients. This method is used if it is aimed to tighten the tissues at the stage of melting the fat in the body.

Despite all these advantages, this method is not a weight loss method. At the same time, it is not possible to get rid of cellulite with this method.

In Which Areas Can Vaser Lipo Technique Be Applied?

The effect of VASER technology is the fat transfer process. This liposuction process mostly adds volume to the lips and cheeks of the patient’s own cells. And the nasolabial folds are filled and the jaw line is corrected.

One of the keys to success in autologous fat transfer is the quality and vitality of the oil used. The sensitive structure of VASER management ensures that better quality oil is always obtained for planting, and even the process becomes more effective thanks to the developing technology.

Thanks to the new system, both the patient’s own fat can be taken. It can also be transferred. It also reduces processing time. And it optimizes results.

How is Vaser Liposuction Performed?

In the Vaser Liposuction method, the adipose tissue under the skin is liquefied by ultrasonic sound wave that acts by targeting only the fat cells. Fat cells that are separated from the skin surface and broken down are taken from the body by pulling with thin cannulas.

Can Vaser Lipo Be Applied Together With Plastic Surgery?

Vaser Lipo surgeries;

  • Breast augmentation – Breast reduction,
    Breast lift,
  • Tummy tuck,
  • Face lift,

It can be applied together with plastic surgeries.

In addition, since the structure of fat cells is not deteriorated with vaser liposuction, its permanence rates reach 80% when applied to the needed areas (face, legs, butt).

When it is done with breast prosthesis, the oils obtained can be used to beautify the breast contours. It can be used to soften the transition between the breast prosthesis and the surrounding tissue and to provide additional fullness in the desired area.

Is Vaser Liposuction Surgery Performed With General Anesthesia?

In the Vaser Lipo procedure, general anesthesia is preferred for patient comfort, since large areas are generally worked together in more than one region (abdomen, back, bagel, leg, jowl, etc.). In smaller and smaller areas, sedation and regional anesthesia may also be preferred.

  • Blood thinners should be discontinued 1 week and ideally 3 weeks before the Vaser Liposuction operation.
  • Herbal teas, vitamin E and some vitamin derivatives should never be taken due to their blood thinning effects.
  • Solid food and liquid intake should be stopped at least 7-8 hours before the surgery.
  • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.
  • Routine blood tests of the patients (complete blood count, biochemistry, bleeding-coagulation tests, hepatitis markers etc.) are done before the operation.
  • If the patient has an additional disease, tests and consultations are also carried out.

Is it Necessary to Stay in The Hospital After Vaser Lipo Surgery?

After Vaser Liposuction, if a very limited area is worked on and a large amount of fat is not removed (joint region, male breast-gynecomastia, arm region, inside the knee), we can send our patients to their homes a few hours after the operation, provided that they are called for a check-up the next day.

However, if large areas have been studied (abdomen, legs, etc.), we will host you in the hospital for 1 night. The purpose of this is to supplement the patient with the serums we give and to keep them under precautionary control.

What Should Be Considered After Vaser Liposuction?

  • Using a corset for 2-3 weeks after the procedure increases the efficiency and a healthier tightening is achieved afterwards.
  • Consuming plenty of fluids will help the edema disappear quickly and remove fat cells from the body more quickly.
  • If factors such as regular exercise and healthy diet are not taken into account, excess weight gain may occur and regional lubrication may occur again.

How is Vaser Liposuction Surgery Performed?

Vaser liposuction is performed under fully equipped operating room conditions. Skin disinfection is done before Vaser liposuction.

Through small incisions of half a centimeter, a special solution containing local anesthetic and adrenaline is injected into the areas to be applied and into the adipose tissues.

Then, it emulsifies the fat cells in small groups (fluid liquid) in the adipose tissue with high-frequency sound waves given from the tip of the millimetric very thin Vaser probes.

Through thin and non-traumatic special cannulas, liquid oil emulsification is drawn and taken out of the body. During Vaser liposuction, body shaping is done with care. Problem areas are shaped with a symmetrical and meticulous work as if shaping a sculpture in the area where Vaser liposuction surgery is performed.

Muscle edges (sixpack) are brought to a prominent shape. Since the extracted oils are not damaged, their permanence rates are very high where they are applied.


Fats taken with Vaser liposuction can be used for breast augmentation and lifting, butt lift in women. It can be given under the chest muscle for a more pronounced and muscular chest appearance in men.

Fat is removed from other areas such as the abdomen, back or legs. And it can be given as fat injection especially to the collapse and melting areas of the face due to aging or sudden weight loss.

Thanks to Vaser liposuction, it is possible to both get rid of excess fat and have permanent fat filling on the face with these oils.

The adipose tissue, which is rich in stem cells, is removed by vaser liposuction. And then it is given to the face, smile lines and wrinkle areas, helping to create a younger appearance.

The duration of Vaser liposuction surgery varies according to the width of the working area and additional applications (fat injection, tummy tuck, etc.).

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