Categories: Plastic Surgery

What is Leg (Thigh) Stretching Aesthetics?

What is Leg (Thigh) Stretching Aesthetics?

Deteriorations may occur in the body due to aging, rapid weight loss and pregnancy. These deteriorations are the result of changes in the structures, shapes and arrangement of collagen and aesthetic fibers in the body. These impairments are also seen in the legs, which are the organs of the body that are limited from the groin to the sole and are used for walking.

Leg stretching aesthetics is an operation performed to stretch the sagging in the inner parts of the upper leg, also called “thigh”, and to remove fat accumulation. The main purpose of the leg stretching operation is not to thin the entire leg area.

The operation also aims to remove the loosening of the skin on the thighs and the fluctuations in this area. In addition, aesthetic procedures such as fat removal and regional thinning can be applied during the operation, considering the patient’s demand and skin quality, along with the actual procedure. In addition, tummy tuck surgery can be added to the operation upon request.

Why Does The Leg (Thigh) Sag?

Processes that cause rapid weight loss such as heavy diets and stomach reduction will cause sagging in the thighs as well as in the whole body. In addition, sagging on the thighs may occur due to environmental and hereditary reasons such as aging and overexposure to sunlight.

This situation not only creates an aesthetically pleasing image, but also negatively affects the psychology of the person.

Why is Leg (Thigh) Lift Performed?

Due to the sagging of the legs, there is an aesthetic negativity. In addition, deformations may occur on the skin due to friction while walking. These disturbing situations negatively affect the comfort of life.

Leg stretching operations are applied for restoring comfort in the leg areas and for an aesthetic appearance.

Who are The Ideal Candidates For Leg (Thigh) Lift Surgery?

People who want to correct the appearance of sagging and deformity in the leg are good candidates for leg lift surgery. There are some criteria for leg lift surgery (thigh lift surgery).

These criteria are listed below;

  • Excess soft tissue and skin on the leg (leg sagging).
  • Completion of the weight loss process or close to the ideal weight of the patient (in order not to loosen the skin again in case of losing more weight after leg lift surgery).
  • The person who will undergo leg lift (thigh lift) surgery is psychologically healthy.
  • Your Plastic Surgeon’s examination and evaluation as appropriate for leg lift surgery in the light of your past health history, general health status, and expectations.
  • The patient’s expectations about before and after leg lift (thigh lift) surgery are realistic.
  • Having a level of consciousness to maintain the condition to be obtained with diet and sports after leg stretching.
  • Smoking before and after leg lift surgery reduces the success of the surgery. It increases the risk of complications after thigh lift surgery.
  • Alcohol intake should be avoided after leg lift surgery.

What are The Types of Leg (Thigh) Lift Surgery?

Leg stretching surgery should be performed with different techniques and specialized surgical methods according to the needs of each patient. The size, type and location of the incision vary according to the area needed in leg lift surgery and the type of deformity. Your Plastic Surgeon will choose the technique that suits your needs.

Leg (Thigh) Stretching Surgery Methods

  • Upper Leg (Thigh) Stretch
  • Mini Leg (Thigh) Stretch
  • Inner Leg Stretch

Upper Leg (Thigh) Stretch

In upper stretching surgery, the part where the leg (thigh) meets the groin is targeted. The incision is made on the inside of the thigh where it meets the groin.

During this procedure, while the skin is removed, dietary and sports-resistant fats can also be removed by liposuction. It is one of the best camouflaged incisions possible.

Mini Leg (Thigh)

Stretching It is a form of inner leg stretching surgery performed with a shorter incision. It is a leg stretching procedure made with a shorter incision on the upper part of the leg at the junction with the groin. Its effectiveness is more limited, but it has less scarring. It provides a quick recovery in a shorter time.

Inner Leg Lift

Inner Limb Lift reduces excess skin and fat on the upper-inner part of the inner thigh (thigh). It is designed for patients who are dissatisfied with the shape of their legs or who complain of excess skin sagging after losing excess weight. During inner leg (thigh) stretching surgery, an incision is made so that the scar remains on the inside of the leg.

Sometimes this incision can also be combined with an incision in the upper part of the leg where it meets the groin and hip. During the inner leg stretching surgery, liposuction to the leg can also be performed in the same session. Especially when it is combined with a technique that protects vascular structures such as Vaser Liposuction, it can increase the success rate.

Examination and Diagnosis

During the examination, the quality of the skin, the thickness of the adipose tissue in the skin, the amount of sagging and the patient’s expectation are taken into account, and then the diagnosis is made.

Then, the most ideal operation technique is decided. Each patient is evaluated individually when making the diagnosis.

If the amount of fat is more than sagging, liposuction is applied with lipomatic. If the sagging is evident and the patient has different demands, the leg lift operation is approved. The surgeon gives detailed information to the patient about the operation method. Then the patient is expected to make a decision for the procedure.

Caution Before Leg (Thigh) Lift Surgery

The patient who decides to have an operation after the examination should sleep at least 8 hours a day regularly until the operation.

  • Aspirin should not be taken three weeks before, smoking and alcohol should be stopped.
  • Blood thinners should not be used for the last 1 week.
  • Painkillers such as Aspranax, Voltaren and Vermidon should not be taken. Instead of these, drugs such as Minoset and Novalgin should be preferred.
  • One week before the operation, multivitamin pills containing substances such as ginseng, ginko biloba and CO-enzymeQ, weight loss products, herbal products such as flax seeds, green tea, tomato seeds and cherry stems should not be taken.
  • Antibiotics, tranquilizers, diuretics, steroids and other types of drugs used should be reported to the doctor before the operation. These drugs can lower blood pressure.
  • It can also lead to loss of potassium and fluid, inhibition of hormone secretion. These drugs can also interfere with focusing on anesthesia and coping with the stress of surgery.
  • Conditions such as pregnancy, upper respiratory tract infection and common cold should be reported to the doctor.
  • If the patient has had an operation before and if post-operative side effects such as severe nausea, vomiting and bleeding are observed, the doctor or nurse should be informed and special precautions should be taken for the patient.

How is Leg (Thigh) Stretching Surgery Performed?

Thigh lift surgeries are performed under general anesthesia in a fully equipped hospital environment. Before the operation, the patient is examined and the fat deposits and sagging skin in the thigh area are examined. Patient and doctor communication is very important. The patient should convey their expectations and the doctor what can be done in a planned way.

Sagging and lubrication in the upper legs, which negatively affect the aesthetic appearance and cause both physical and psychological problems for many people, can be corrected with thigh lift surgery.

It is ensured that these looseness, lubrication and sagging are made into a tighter and more collected structure. In this treatment, the loosened skin in the upper and inner thighs is recovered. The duration of the operation takes an average of 2 hours. It is sufficient to stay in the hospital for one day after the operation.

The purpose of thigh lift aesthetics is to remove excess adipose tissue accumulated under the skin. The incisions made in the operation are made in such a way that they can be hidden under the butt and in the groin area, which will not be visible as much as possible.

With open incisions from the part extending from the groin area to the inner part of the thigh, the subcutaneous fat tissue and excess skin that causes sagging are removed and the area is recovered.

After Leg (Thigh) Stretch

Post-Surgery Considerations

  • Walking can be started after 1 week, but heavy sports or physical activities should be avoided for 4 weeks.
  • It is recommended to stay away from smoking in order to accelerate the recovery period.

Healing Process

  • Intense pain is not felt after the surgery. You may have mild pain that can be controlled with painkillers.
  • You can stand up on the same day and it is enough to stay in the hospital for 1 night.
  • Following the surgery 2 . or you can take a bath on the 3rd day.
  • After the thigh lift operation, slight bruising and swelling may be seen on the inner face of the leg. It is expected to pass completely after a few weeks.
  • You can return to work life about one week after the operation.

Postoperative Outlook

After leg stretching aesthetics, an extremely aesthetic appearance is obtained on the legs. Horizontal incision marks in the groin are not visible as they will remain in underwear. Vertical incision scars are also not visible from the back and front of the body. Also, these scars fade over time. The success of leg stretching aesthetics is related to the patient’s attention to the warnings. In addition, the experience of the doctor is an important factor in the success of the leg lift.

What are The Risks Related to Leg (Thigh) Surgery?

  • There are definitely risk factors in each of the surgeries. However, it is known that leg lift operations are not considered among high-risk operations.
  • The most common problem is delayed wound healing or wound dehiscence. Reducing smoking, regular use of corsets and restriction of movement greatly reduce these risks.
  • Lymphedema: It is the name given to the formation of swelling in the leg due to the accumulation of fluid in the inner region of the leg. Lymphedema regresses with long-term use of compression compression stockings.
  • Infection and bleeding are rare with a thigh lift, but can occur. Not all people are suitable candidates for this procedure, and your risks may be different from those of other patients.
Istanbul plastic surgeon

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