Categories: Virus

What is coronavirus? How is corona virus transmitted?

What is coronavirus? How is corona virus  transmitted?

The virus, dubbed ‘2019-nCoV’, first seen on earth in the 1960s, is known by the name coronavirus or coronavirus. Coronavirus reappeared in Wuhan, China in December, becoming one of the most sought-after topics on the internet. China’s Wuhan region is known as the place where Coronavirus originated.

Coronavirus, which can be mild, moderate and severe in different cases, is from the same group as SARS, which came out earlier in 2002, and MERS virus, which came out in 2012. Coronavirus (coronavirus), which occurs with a picture similar to the common cold, is known to occur in very heavy tables in 2020. The Coronavirus outbreak has now been one of the common problems of many countries. Most people encounter at a moment in their life, this new version of the virus is very severe and causes negative results. Coronavirus is a virus that makes the leap from animals to humans. When this virus passes into humans, it mutates and can spread among humans.

Where was coronavirus seen?

“Who spread coronavirus?”, “How many people caught coronavirus?”such questions are wondered by many. Coronavirus has so far been seen in a total of 27 countries, including China. The virus has spread to eastern regions of China, as well as Japan, Thailand, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, Vietnam, Germany, France, Italy, Iran and Taiwan.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a disease that gives symptoms. “Corona virus” or “Corona virus” corona virus as the symptoms of the last are as follows: dry cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, pneumonia, respiratory distress, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

What are the harms of coronovirus?

It is a disease that is caused by a condition similar to the common cold. It causes death by watching with a picture heavier than the flu. Coronavirus is a flu-like disease.

Who are at risk for coronavirus?

In the elderly, especially those with cancer or immunodeficiency-suppressing diseases, lung diseases are more severe in this table. It can be said that there are different underlying diseases in all of those who have died due to this virus.

Is coronavirus contagious? How is coronavirus transmitted?

The coronavirus, which has alarmed the world, is one of the viruses that causes the common cold. The reason why Coronavirus, a member of the family of viruses known as SARS and MERS-CoV, has so many scares is because it has a high spreading power. SARS, which was an epidemic in 2002-2003, was a very frightening virus just as it is now.

SARS did not spread quickly; however, the mortality rate was very high in the patients it infected. There are over 100 varieties of coronavirus. It is a type of virus, the majority of which causes infection in animals, very few of which are transmitted to humans. A very small portion of coronavirus has undergone such a mutation that it has the ability to land not only in the upper respiratory tract but also in the lungs. Thus, it appears with the picture of pneumonia. It also causes a very severe flu picture in patients with pneumonia.

What causes coronavirus?

“Corona virus causes?”coronavirus can reach the respiratory system through droplets from air as a result of sneezing and coughing, similar to influenza infections caused by influenza virus. It can also be transmitted through contact with infected surfaces, mouth and eyes. “How long does coronavirus take?“there are no answers to such questions, but ” how many days does Coronavirus take?”the answer to the question can be given as follows: following the passage of the virus within 5-11 days, general flu complaints such as cough and fever occur. The diagnosis of the disease is made by samples taken from respiratory secretions. The patient’s condition may be aggravated when lower respiratory tract involvement is added to this table in the upper respiratory tract.

Coronavirus; SARS 11% -12% and Mers 35-50% compared to the loss of Life rates, 1-2% is quite low, although it has the ability to be transmitted rapidly and therefore poses a danger. “Do you have a Coronavirus drug?”while searching for answers to the questions in the form of, scientists began the study of drugs and vaccines that affect the virus. Information on drug and vaccine studies will be shared by the World Health Organization in the coming periods.

What are the ways to prevent coronavirus?

Coronavirus, the ways of protection are similar to the ways of protection from the flu. Hand hygiene is extremely important to prevent this disease. Coronavirus is a disease with ways to protect. Not only the corona virus, hand hygiene is the first place in protection from many diseases. Hands must be kept clean. If you are in a crowded environment, you must be touched. For this reason, the mouth, nose or eye should not be touched until the hands are thoroughly cleaned. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Alcohol-based hand antiseptic can also be used in hand cleaning. If you are sick, sneezed or coughed, you should not sneeze or cough. When sneezing, coughing, disposable tissue paper should be preferred. If a handkerchief cannot be found, one of the arms can be taken to the mouth and nose area to prevent the spread of droplets to the air. The use of a Coronavirus protective mask is important. People who are sick can be prevented from transmitting this disease to others by using a mask. In addition, to be fed in a way to strengthen immunity, to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, to take plenty of fluids, crowded and closed areas to avoid the disease is one of the measures to be taken. Door handles should not be touched and door handles should be disinfected well.

Consider these warnings for protection from coronavirus

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  2. Remind young children of the rules of hygiene constantly, make them wash their hands.
  3. If water and soap are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  4. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with tissue paper, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  5. Do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes with dirty hands.
  6. Eat from the same plate with patients, share the same glass or avoid close contact.
  7. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles and toys.
  8. If you need to travel to risky areas, wash your hands regularly before and after contact with animals.
  9. Avoid contact with sick animals.
  10. Do not consume raw or uncooked animal products.
Istanbul plastic surgeon

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Istanbul plastic surgeon
Tags: Corona

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