Otoplasty: The angle between the auricle and the skull skin, which is called prominent ear deformity, is more than 25 degrees, some ear folds are not sufficiently clear and some cartilage tissues are excessive, which may cause ears to be more prominent than necessary.
Correction can be applied at any age after the age of 5. However, the most appropriate age in terms of tissue development competence and psychological development in children is pre-primary school age.
The operation takes approximately 1-1.5 hours from approximately 30-40 minutes for each ear.
It is the process of making special stitches by correcting the cartilages, usually behind the ear or sometimes from the inner part of the ear. The seams are hidden and there are no scars. There is usually no need for stitches.
3 or 4 days after surgery, the doctor calls for a checkup. The bandage is opened. You can take a bath that day. There may be swelling and bruises for 1 week.
The use of tennis band for 2 weeks is necessary to protect the ear and to set the tissues. It is important not to hurt the ear for the first 3 months.
Prominent ear surgery within 3 months after the first worsen will yl reverse movement, leads to the reversion of the ear caused the internal seam. This condition is not dangerous in terms of health, but it causes recurrence of surgery.
Surgery is the most appropriate method for permanent solution. Methods such as the use of adhesives, applying pressure, bonding, and seamless correction do not have a chance of success and can be harmful. Only babies can benefit from the use of a bandana in the first week after birth.
This surgery not only improves the external appearance of the ear, but also improves your psychological condition. You no longer have to grow your hair out to cover your ears.
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