Nose Curvature

Nose Curvature

Nose Curvature; The structure located between the nostrils and separating the nasal cavity into two is called “septum”. Septum consists of bone and cartilage.One of the most common causes of nasal congestion is deformities in the septum.The curvature (deviation) of the septum, which should normally be thin and straight; it can make nasal breathing difficult or impossible.In cases where the shape of the septum is deformed enough to cause nasal congestion, surgical intervention is recommended. These operations where the curvature of the septum is corrected; It is called “septoplasty”.

What is Septoplasty Surgery (Septum Deviation Surgery)?

Septoplasty; It is surgery to correct the deformity of the septum.After anesthesia application to the patient, an incision is made on one side of the septum through the nose.

The surgeon corrects the obstructive part of the septum through this cut. In deviation surgery; the obstructed septum part can be removed or the septum part causing the obstruction can be corrected and replaced again.

Whichever method is applied, the appearance of the nose does not change. In our otorhinolaryngology department, septum deviation surgery is performed under local anesthesia if the patient has no other desire.

We do not usually use nasal tampons after surgery. Therefore, after the operation, our patients can return to their home and normal life in a short time.

After septoplasty (symptum deviation) surgery, after the septum deviation surgery performed under local anesthesia, our patients spend the first few hours in our hospital. After the doctor’s check, they can return home.

Our patients are able to overcome the postoperative recovery period quite easily since we do not use nasal tampons after surgery unless we are obliged to do so in our otorhinolaryngology department.

Things to consider after septoplasty (septum deviation) surgery:

  • After the operation, be careful not to hit your nose, move your nose. Don’t blow. It is better to pull the runny nose back towards your mouth rather than snot.
  • You can start to squirt slightly one week after the operation. Do not hold your sneezing, be careful not to sneeze with your mouth open.
  • Always use a straw to drink liquids. It is natural to have very little and bloody runny nose at the beginning. Over time, this stream turns yellow pink.
  • The feeling of swelling and fullness in your nose decreases within a few weeks.
  • To reduce swelling and fullness, instead of lying flat on the bed, it would be beneficial to hold your head 30 degrees above the heart.As the operating area heals, crusting may occur in the nose.
  • This situation lasts a maximum of 3-6 weeks. Cold compresses can be applied to reduce nasal discharge, swelling and comfort.
  • You can apply the ice pack or towel moistened with ice water without pressing it on your nose. The cold compress made in the first 72 hours after the surgery will relax you.
  • If necessary, you can use painkillers recommended by your doctor. Do not use any medication without consulting your doctor. Drugs such as aspirin can cause bleeding, as it dilutes the blood.
  • Take care not to take a shower / bath with very hot water. You can return to your normal life within 1 week after surgery.
  • However, you should avoid exercises such as running, swimming, lifting weights.
    Call your doctor right away if you have pain that cannot be controlled with medication or if you have a fever above 38 ° C
Istanbul plastic surgeon

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